Stellar Recovery – The Truth About It

Stellar Recovery, Inc. has announced its membership in the Telecommunications Risk Management Association (RMA) today. Estes, founded in 1997, includes members from cable, satellite, telecommunications, wireless and power companies in the United States and Canada. Membership in this organization is the continued focus of the services provided by Stellar Recovery accounts receivable and debt purchases in these markets through leading performance and unrivaled respect in the challenging environment of today collections hi.

As for acceptance as a member, president of sales and marketing, Keith Jones, said: We are honored to have the opportunity to join a dynamic and highly respected organization that provides a forum for professional risk management of stellar recovery telecommunications to collaborate, understand and share best practices related to bad debt issues among its members. Jones added:

and there is much types because every year a lot of teams create new onces. We are delighted to be a new member of the EST and we hope to contribute to the success and stellar recovery growth of the organization to influence and share best practices through participation in webinars, committees, conferences and books are all in white. the same through cooperation with our customers and industry peers, we continue to have a positive influence on the ARM industry and boat stellar recovery.

Stellar Recovery – The Truth About It

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via Top5Stars

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