Polio Symptoms ; What Causes Polio?

Polio (also known as polio) is a highly contagious polio symptoms disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. Children under 5 are more likely to contract HIVE than any other group. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the 200 types of polio will result in permanent paralysis. However, the disease has largely been irradiated through the development of a vaccine against polio symptoms. The latest survey conducted by the WHO in 2010, has reported 1,352 cases of polio worldwide. (WHO)

Thanks to the polio vaccine, the United States has not had a reported case of polio since 1979. However, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria still have frequent outbreaks. Polio types. There are three types of polio infections: Substantial: polio symptoms approximately 95 percent of polio cases are substantial, and patients may not have any symptoms. Polio thus not affect the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). No paralytic: This form, which affects the central nervous system, produces only mild symptoms and causes paralysis.

Paralytic polio symptoms. This is the rarest and most severe form of polio, which produces a total or partial paralysis of the patient. There are three types of spinal polio paralytic polio (affects the spine), bulbar poliomyelitis (affects brain stem) and ballpoints poliomyelitis (affects the spine and the brain stem). The post polio syndrome is a complication that can occur after a person has caught and released on oblivious. Symptoms of the syndrome may occur up to polio symptoms 35 years after the polio infection.

Polio Symptoms ; What Causes Polio?

Polio, symptoms, Polio Symptoms

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