What You Know About Telomeres And Aging? Here Some New Informations

Telomeres And Aging

Within the Telomeres and Aging cell nucleus , genes are arranged along twisted , double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes . The ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telemeter , which protect our genetic data, make it possible for the cells to divide, and have a few secrets of how we age and get cancer .

Telemeter have been compared with the plastic tips on Telomeres and Aging shoelaces because they keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking to each other , destroy or encode genetic information of an organism. However, each time a cell divides, the telemeter shorten . When they get too short , the cell can no longer divide , but becomes inactive or ” senescent Telomeres and Aging ” or dies. This process of shortening is associated with aging , cancer, and increased risk of death. And telemeter were also compared with a bomb fuse .

As the residue of a chromosome , including their genes , the telemeter are DNA sequences – chemical code strings . As all DNA , which are made of four nucleic acid bases Telomeres and Aging: G for Guanine , A for adenine , and thymine T to cytosine C . Telemeter are repetitive sequences TAG in a string with another string in TACTIC . Therefore, a portion of the telemeter is a “repetition” six “pairs” .

In white blood cells , telemeter length is between 8000 to 3000 BP pairs of newborns and adults as low as 1,500 in the elderly . ( An entire chromosome has about 150 million Telomeres and Aging base pairs. ) Whenever it divides, a cell loses an average of 30 to 200 base pairs from the ends of their telemeter. Cells divide normally about 50 to 70 times , with telemeter become progressively shorter until the cells become senescent or die .

Telemeter shorten not in tissues where cells are constantly dividing Telomeres and Aging, such as the heart muscle .

What You Know About Telomeres And Aging? Here Some New Informations

Aging, Telomeres And Aging, Telomeres

via Top5Stars http://ift.tt/1j8wL6Z

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