Leukemia Causes & Symptoms

Leukemia Causes

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. leukemia causes It begins in the bone marrow is the soft tissue in the interior of most bones. Bone marrow is the site where blood cells are formed. When healthy, the bone marrow produces: White blood cells that help your body fight infection. Red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Platelets, which aid in blood clotting. When you have leukemia causes, the bone marrow begins to make many abnormal white blood cells, called leukemia cells. They do the work of normal white blood cells grow faster than normal cells and continue to grow as they should.

Over time, leukemia cells can crowd out normal blood cells. This can lead to serious problems such as anemia, bleeding and infection. Leukemia cells can also spread to lymph leukemia causes nodes or other organs and cause swelling and pain. Are there different types of leukemia? There are several types of leukemia. In general, leukemia is grouped by how quickly it gets worse and this type of white blood cell affected.

It can be leukemia causes acute or chronic. Acute leukemia gets worse very fast and may make you sick right away. Chronic leukemia gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. It may be employments or lymphoid. Lymphocyte (lymphatic’s or) acute affects white blood cells called lymphocytes. Myeloid leukemia affects white blood cells leukemia causes called employees.

Leukemia Causes & Symptoms

Leukemia Causes, Causes, leukemia

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