Leukemia Types & The Risk Factors for Leukemia

Leukemia Types

The development of leukemia types can be acute ( sudden onset ) or chronic ( slow onset ) . In chronic leukemia , cancer cells increases slowly. The initial symptoms can be very mild. Acute leukemia develops quickly. Cancer cells growing rapidly and symptoms early . Acute and chronic leukemia are also classified according to the cell type. Leukemia myeloid cells is called myeloid leukemia. These cells are immature blood cells usually granulocytic or leukemia types monocot’s become . The involvement of cell leukemia is called lymphocytes leukemia . There are four main types of leukemia.

Acute myeloid leukemia (ML ) has a rapid onset . It can occur in children and adults. pproximately 13,000 new cases of ML are diagnosed each year. Chronic myeloid leukemia (COM) has a slow start and mainly leukemia types affects adults. About 5,000 new cases of COM are diagnosed each year. Acute lymphatic’s leukemia (ALL) has a rapid onset and occurs mostly in children. 5,000 new cases of ALL are diagnosed each year. Chronic lymphocytes leukemia (CAL) is slow to start . Is more likely to affect people over 55 years. It is very rare in children. There are about 15,000 new cases of CAL diagnosed each year. Hairy cell leukemia is another leukemia types. It is very rare.

Risk factors for leukemia: The causes of leukemia are known . However, several factors have been identified that may increase your risk. These include: family history of leukemia. Smokers ( ML)
genetic disorders such as Downs syndrome. Blood disorders – Melodramatics syndromes are sometimes known as pre- leukemia. Previous treatment for cancer with leukemia types chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Exposure to high levels of radiation. Exposure to chemicals , such as benzene.

Leukemia Types & The Risk Factors for Leukemia

leukemia, Risk Factors for Leukemia, Leukemia Types

via Top5Stars http://ift.tt/1jRWvEA

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