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Distemper Symptoms and Signs

Distemper Symptoms

Macrophages (cells that ingest distemper symptoms foreign disease carrying organisms such as viruses and bacteria) CD inhaled materials to nearby lymph nodes where replication (reproduction) begins. It spreads rapidly through the lymphatic tissue and infects all the lymphoid organs within 2 to 5 days. Day six to nine, the virus spreads in the blood (uremia). It then extends to the surface of the epithelium (lining) of the distemper symptoms respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital system and central nervous system, which starts the damage symptoms distemper.

The first symptoms are fever, loss of appetite, and mild eye inflammation that may only last a day or two. The symptoms become more severe and sensitive as the distemper symptoms disease progresses. The first symptom is the temperature (103 ° F to 106 ° F), which typically peaks 3-6 days after infection. Fever often goes unnoticed and reach its peak again a few days later. Dogs can suffer from eyes and high nose, depression and loss of appetite (anorexia). After the fever, symptoms vary distemper symptoms greatly depending on the strain of virus and immunity of the dog. Many dogs suffer from gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms such as:

Conjunctivitis (eye discharge). diarrhea. Fever (usually present but unnoticed). Pneumonia. (cough, difficulty breathing). Rhinitis (runny nose). vomiting. These symptoms are often exacerbated by secondary bacterial infections distemper symptoms. Dogs almost always develop encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord), the symptoms are variable and progressive. Most dogs that die from distemper, die from neurological complications such as: Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination), depression.

Hyperextension (increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as pain or touch distemper symptoms) Polonius (muscle contractions or spasms), which can be disabling paralysis. Paresis (partial or incomplete paralysis). Progressive deterioration of mental abilities. Progressive deterioration of motor Seizures can affect any body part. A type of attack that affects the head, and is unique to distemper, is sometimes considered a chewing gum shaped because the dog seems distemper symptoms to be the chewing gum.

Distemper Symptoms and Signs

symptoms, Distemper, Distemper Symptoms

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