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Kidney Cancer Symptoms & What Is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Kidney cancer – also called cancer of the kidney – is a disease where kidney cancer symptoms cells become malignant ( cancerous) cells and uncontrolled growth , forming a tumor. Almost all cancers of the kidney appear first in the wall of very small tubes ( tubules in the kidney ) . This type of kidney cancer is called renal cell carcinoma . The good news is that most kidney cancers are found before they kidney cancer symptoms spread ( metastasis ) to distant organs . And cancer is detected early are easier to treat successfully. However , these tumors can become very large before they are detected.

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs , each about the size of a fist. Are in the lower abdomen to either side of the spine kidney cancer symptoms. Its main task is to clean the blood , removing waste and making urine. Doctors do not know the causes of kidney cancer. However, some factors appear to increase the risk of kidney cancer. For example, kidney cancer most often occurs in people over 40 years. Here are some other risk factors for kidney cancer: Smoking. If you smoke cigarettes kidney cancer symptoms, the risk of kidney cancer is double that of non-smokers . The cigar can also increase your risk.

Be a man. Men are twice as likely as women with kidney cancer. Being obese . Excess weight can cause hormonal changes that increase the risk. The use of certain drugs against pain for long. This includes nonprescription drugs , in addition to prescription kidney cancer symptoms drugs. After advanced kidney disease or are on dialysis long-term treatment for people with kidney stopped working. Having certain genetic disorders , such as von Hippie- Landau ( VILE) disease or hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma. Having a family history of kidney cancer. The risk is particularly high in kidney cancer symptoms siblings.

Exposure to certain chemicals, such as asbestos , cadmium , benzene , organic solvents or certain herbicides. Having high blood pressure. The doctors do not know if high blood pressure or medications used to treat the cause of the increased risk. Be black. The risk among blacks is slightly higher kidney cancer symptoms than among whites . Nobody knows why. With lymphoma. For some reason , there is an increased risk of kidney cancer in patients with lymphoma risk. The presence of these risk factors does not mean that you have kidney cancer . It is also true that you can have one of them and get the disease again.

What are the symptoms of kidney cancer ? In many cases , people can not have the first symptoms of kidney cancer. As the tumor grows , symptoms may kidney cancer symptoms appear. You can have one or more of these symptoms of kidney cancer.

Kidney Cancer Symptoms & What Is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney Cancer Symptoms, Cancer Symptoms, Kidney Cancer

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