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3 Top Laser Hair Removal NYC

Laser Hair Removal NYC

His first two laser hair removal NYC sessions went well , but the third ended with a burning sensation that lasted for weeks , a woman from Brooklyn 26 years , recalled . Then the marks appear : long long hind legs with red stripes. In the coming months , the bands become dark brown. “It was horrible ,” said the woman, who asked not to be identified to protect laser hair removal NYC their privacy. “It was something you would see in a normal person. “

Laser hair removal procedures have become very popular in recent years. Nearly half a million of these treatments were performed by dermatological surgeons in 2011 , the last year for which figures are available, according to the American Society for Dermatological Surgery . But an unknown number of procedures are performed laser hair removal NYC each year by non-medical personnel who may have minimal training .

Treatments are not without risks. Done correctly, it can cause severe burns and disfiguring lesions in sensitive areas like the bikini area and mustache above his lips, and, rarely , death. The percentage of laser hair removal NYC applications on laser surgery that involved a non- operator – Medical has increased to 78 percent in 2011, against 36 percent in 2008, according to a study published in JAM in dermatology October. Laser hair removal is the procedure most frequently cited in the procedure. Another popular treatment , intense laser hair removal NYC pulsed light, is used to ” rejuvenate ” aging of the skin and get rid of wrinkles .

” Not a week goes by that I do not see a complication of a laser, ” said Dry. Tina Ulster , founder of the Washington Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery Director. She and other doctors are concerned about the proliferation of non- medical institutions , such as the so-called medical spas that offer laser treatments and other laser hair removal NYC cosmetic treatments, but may not have authorized medical personnel on site.

3 Top Laser Hair Removal NYC

Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair, Laser Hair Removal NYC

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