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what you must know about leprosy symptoms

leprosy symptoms has been around for a long time. The first written record of this disease in 1550 BC footprint . As recently as 1985 , was a public health problem in 122 countries. Since then, seems to have diminished : according to figures published by the World Health Organization (WHO ) , only 16 countries account for 95 % of new cases detected worldwide .

Leprosy symptoms patients are cured completely 3M in the last three decades . And yet , it has been difficult to eradicate stubbornly close to a quarter million cases are reported each year. Between 2011 and 2012 , the number of cases actually increased slightly. Why is it so difficult to eradicate leprosy symptoms?

The discovery of Mycobacterium deprave , the bacterium that causes leprosy symptoms in 1873 has provided clues about how to treat the disease. But it was not until a century after the WHO introduced multi drug therapy , a combination of three tablets ( including thalidomide) which kills Mycobacterium deprave in six months to a year .

Since then , the organization is committed to “eliminate” the disease, but not ” eradicate ” it. Elimination is defined as a reduction of one case per 10 000 people , while the eradication implies the complete absence of the disease.

A major obstacle to the eradication of leprosy symptoms is the long delay between its occurrence and detection. It usually takes three to five years before symptoms appear . In some instances, the incubation period from infection with the disease can be as long as 20 years. leprosy symptoms attacks the skin and nerves , leaving scaly patches on the body.

It looks like a skin disease and can be easily diagnosed . For many medical schools do not store infected skin patches , most doctors are not trained to recognize from the beginning. It does not help that the bacterium that causes leprosy symptoms can be grown in a laboratory (in vitro ) and can not be partially reproduced in mice (if armadillos are other mammal, apart from humans, which can lead to disease) .

Operational risks abound , too: India , a country that half of the new cases diagnosed worldwide , has reduced the number of campaigns of leprosy symptoms in 2005 after declaring that met the WHO definition of disposal .

Leprosy symptoms Eradication would be a daunting task . Dispose of other diseases ( such as tuberculosis and malaria ) would be higher priority for most countries , as it killed many people. leprosy is not . But despite efforts to combat it are still ongoing about the future: a team of Indian and German scientists have claimed to have discovered in September of genetic variation among leprosy symptoms patients India.

Which could provide clues to early diagnosis. In April, a laboratory in Brazil , the country with the second highest number of cases after India submitted a blood test to detect the disease in its early stages in less than ten minutes. The Brazilian government will test the product later this year. And the recent International leprosy symptoms Congress in Brussels , 8 million has been earmarked for further research . The disease will continue to stay, but can now be seen.

what you must know about leprosy symptoms

symptoms, leprosy symptoms, leprosy

via Top5Stars