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Miners Disease, Be Healthy

Miners Disease

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions miners disease received millions of dollars of coal for reading x-rays of the chest, but rarely confirming the miners suffering from black lung disease. This famous university hospital has been investigated in the last year by BBC News and the Center for Public Integrity after the miners who did not have black lung is said and therefore could not receive benefits. The center of the controversy is Dry. Paul Wheeler, 78, who is the miners disease head of the medical unit that reads the X-ray and CT chest of minors on behalf of coal companies.

Dry. Wheeler and his team publish reports radiologists based on what radiography show determined. These reports are used to confirm or deny whether the minor has the black lung disease. Coal companies have relied on the miners disease expertise and reputation of Johns Hopkins in the last 40 years. Although doctors read chest radiography as part of their regular duties , the university accused coal companies up to 10 times more than the miners pay their personal physicians . According to the court previous reviews on file with the U.S.

miners disease department of Labor Dry. Wheeler often reflects the findings of other doctors who had already determined that the X -rays showed black lung disease were, in fact , indications of something else, such as cancer , tuberculosis and other lung diseases. Consequently, the assertion that the extraction miners disease decreased.

Miners Disease, Be Healthy

Miners, Disease, Miners Disease

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