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Neuroblastoma Symptoms – Tips and Advices

The cancer usually neuroblastoma symptoms starts in the belly of the child abdomen. It often develops in the adrenal glands, small glands two above kidney, and can spread to other areas, such as bone, liver and skin. The cause is unknown. There are rare cases where children of the same family are affected, but are not usually inherited.

Who is neuroblastoma symptoms affected?

Neuroblastoma affects around 100 children each year in the UK. neuroblastoma symptoms It usually affects children under five years and may occur before the child was born. It is the most common childhood brain tumors after solid tumor. What are the symptoms ? Symptoms depend on where the cancer and whether is has spread. It is often difficult to diagnose neuroblastoma in the early stages, because symptoms are the neuroblastoma symptoms most common  for example, pain and loss of appetite.

However, the most common symptom when the cancer has developed is a lump or swelling in the abdomen of the child, because that is where the cancer usually begins. It can cause constipation neuroblastoma symptoms and general malaise and pain. Other possible symptoms are: a lump in the neck of the child, which can cause shortness of breath or swallowing. bone pain and difficulty walking, if the cancer has spread to the bones. numbness, weakness or loss of movement in the lower body of the child, if the cancer has affected the spinal cord neuroblastoma symptoms.

anemia, bruising, bleeding and infection, if the cancer has affected their bone marrow bluish bumps on the skin, if the cancer has spread to the skin perspective Because the early symptoms are vague, interpolation often undiagnosed until it has spread neuroblastoma symptoms throughout the body step 4. The prognosis is usually best if the child is younger and cancer is low risk slow growth and at a low stage. Infants with neuroblastoma stage S which have no symptoms may not need treatment because the cancer may disappear by itself.

With all the other stages of neuroblastoma, the tumor is removed by surgery. Depending on the stage of chemotherapy and or radiation therapy is neuroblastoma symptoms often used before surgery to shrink the tumor and after the surgical procedure to destroy any remaining cancer cells.

Neuroblastoma Symptoms – Tips and Advices

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via Top5Stars