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Omega 3 health benefits

As a baby grows in the womb and after birth omega 3 health benefits, the omega-3 fatty acids are an absolute must for your vision to fully develop . Breast milk is an excellent source of omega – 3 fatty acids for a child, but if this is not an option, parents should look for a formula containing DOHA supplement.

why omega 3 health benefits good?

Infants who receive adequate levels of DOHA have been shown to have better vision than those who do not. Pregnant women should try to eat foods rich in these important for the omega 3 health benefits development of the best possible vision in children acids.

Disease Prevention and questions.

Adults get eye health benefits omega -3 also because they help protect you from thieves vision needs as related macular degeneration with age. This disease slowly robs the central part of their vision deposits develop in the macula of the retina. Once vision is omega 3 health benefits lost AMD can not be cured, only prevented progression . Omega – 3, has also been shown to reduce dry eye syndrome , which can be very uncomfortable.

Sources of Omega – 3.

Make your healthy fats is easy and delicious. The best sources are fish such as salmon and tuna. omega 3 health benefits if you are not a fan of fish, try beautiful leafy greens like kale and cabbage or mustard. For adventure oil, flaxseed and flaxseed can be added to recipes.

If none of these options seem appealing, Omega -3 is also available in pill form. Omega- 3 fatty acids are a great benefit to your overall eye health and also provide the rest of his body with some kind of wonderful nutrition. Talk to your doctors and eyes today the addition of these amazing substances in your diet omega 3 health benefits.

Omega 3 health benefits

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