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Whiplash Symptoms : Diagnosis, Treatments & Complications – Be Healthy

Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash causes pain, stiffness and loss of motion in the neck whiplash symptoms. You may also experience headaches, muscle spasms and pain in the arms or shoulders. If you have whiplash, neck ligaments overloaded. This is known as a sprain. Hypertension and hypertension are where tendons and ligaments of the neck is flexed or extended beyond its normal limits force. Although the ligament is not broken, sprain can often take a long time (sometimes several months) to heal. After an accident, the symptoms of whiplash symptoms whiplash often take a long time (6-12 hours) to develop.

Any swelling and bruising that occurs in the neck muscles is usually not evident at the time of the accident. Neck pain and stiffness is often worse in the day after the injury and may continue to worsen for several days after. Whiplash is usually short lived and self-limiting, but in a small percentage of these symptoms persist for more than six months, whiplash symptoms when the condition becomes chronic. Common symptoms of whiplash include: Neck pain and stiffness tenderness in the neck muscles reduced movements and painful neck headaches Less common symptoms of whiplash may include:

LBS. pain, numbness or whiplash symptoms tingling (parenthesis) in the arms and hands muscle spasms dizziness fatigue blurred vision vertigo the feeling that you move or turn while standing still After a whiplash, symptoms of dizziness, headaches and blurred vision may last only a short time. You should contact your doctor if these symptoms persist. Sometimes whiplash can cause memory loss, lack of concentration and whiplash symptoms irritability.

Whiplash Symptoms : Diagnosis, Treatments & Complications – Be Healthy

Whiplash, symptoms, Whiplash Symptoms

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